Monday, July 26, 2010

Week 1: Why is this taking so long?

During this lesson I learned about using some programs which could facilitate learning in my future classroom. Specifically, I learned how to create a "blog" and edit it. I also learned how to use the "Inspiration" program. A Blog can be understood as a tool to document something over a time period. Adding writing and images to the blog is relatively easy. Although, it is best to write in the blog directly because it is not as simple as one would think to write in Microsoft word and paste it or open it up in the blog. Unfortunately, I had to print my writing piece from Microsoft word and now I am typing it again in the blog directly. I tried using the control/print screen function and cropping it in the paint program but, it was too long to get on the whole screen. The length of the writing made things more complicated or more problematic. Wait! I just thought of a solution! I will change the view size in Microsoft word to 75% so I can copy the whole image using the control/print screen function. Then it will be relatively easy to crop in the paint program. Then I won't have to write it all again! Yay! Here is what I initially wrote:

Eeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr! It's too small. Now, I simply copied and pasted it into the paint program by creating a text box. Here it is now.

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